Archive for August 2013
How Can Liberals Be So Stupid ?
You have to laugh at these terminally stupid Seattle liberals. But it really isn’t funny, this is the kind of stupidity that gets people killed. Sandy Hook Elementary School was a Gun Free Zone, the Century 16 multiplex in Arizona where 12 people died and 70 were injured was also a Gun Free Zone.
Most armed robbers and mass murdering nuts are also cowards. They want to avoid any place where someone is likely to shoot back. Gun-grabbing NAZI states like New York have rendered their citizens helpless and incapable of defending themselves. The cowardly racist nut who opened up on the passengers of a Long Island Railroad commuter train knew he was less likely to encounter return fire.
If you live in Seattle and find a business displaying this sign, perhaps you should inform them that it makes both patrons and employees less safe, not more safe. Tell them you will try to minimize the time you spend in a place which advertises that everyone is unarmed.
This is so typical of liberal lunacy. They set out to solve a problem, but the idiotic way in which they go about it usually exacerbates the problem. When the solution involves government, the attempt at a solution often wastes a lot of money while simultaneously making the problem worse. Liberals also seem to salivate at any solution that curtails individual rights and freedoms.