March 2011

Archive for 03/27/2011

Progressive Talk Radio is Phony Talk Radio

So-Called Progressive Talk Radio Isn’t Really Talk Radio At All.

That is unless you consider people talking about only one side of the issue real talk radio.  For me it isn’t real talk radio unless there is at least some degree of debate.

These liberals on the radio go on and on about stuff that would be so easy to rebut.  But they almost never open the phones for rebuttals, generally you only hear callers who agree with the host.

I have been listening to our local “progressive” station, AM1090 KPTK.  You see the same thing with liberal web sites and forums too, they avoid the opinions of those who oppose them.  The Democratic Underground will not even allow you to post unless you are a liberal.  Liberals create their own phony opposition, fictional straw-man right-wing opinions that are blatantly dishonest, and often to the point of being patently absurd.

Contrast that with right wing talk radio were many shows actually seek out opposing opinion because it is so entertaining.

Below are a couple of examples freewheeling propaganda I recently heard on AM1090 KPTK (“Seattle’s Progressive Radio”).


“Taxes are not high enough, they were once much higher.”

The host was peddling the familiar old canard about the upper marginal income tax rates being as high as 94% in the 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s.  The host was correct and was stating fact in the case of the rates themselves.  But when he went on to claim that those making higher incomes actually paid that much, he entered into the all too familiar realm of liberal dishonesty.

The truth is, few people paid anywhere near that much income tax.  Why?  Because, back in that era there were many deductions and tax shelters available.  Only poor suckers paid anywhere near 94%, people who won contests and lotteries, people who had sudden windfalls and were thus unprepared.

Here is another important fact this liberal host omitted.  Even though those rates were ridiculously high and today’s rates are lower, those who are taxed at the upper marginal  rates pay more of the total income tax burden today than they paid back then.  In fact, it can be argued that today people in the middle class are not paying their fair share of the income tax burden.  It can also be argued that people in the upper income tax brackets are paying more than their fair share.


“Conservatives do not consider Hispanics to be real Americans.”

Another host claimed the GOP and other conservatives, including Tea Party people do not consider Hispanics to be real Americans.  He went on to claim conservatives oppose immigration.  You see, without disagreeing callers these leftist fools can say just about anything.

The truth is there are many Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and other minorities in the GOP and among the several Tea Party groups.  Conservatives are more likely to treat all citizens as equals.  It is the liberal Democrats, the “progressives” who see Hispanics as yet another group to exploit in the furtherance of their party and their leftist cause.

What conservatives really oppose is not immigration, but rather illegal immigration.  This dishonest talk host simply left out the word illegal in his entire rant.  The host put up a racist, xenophobic, straw-man that was a total flight of fantasy.  Then he proceeded to tear the poor straw-man apart.  How very brave they are, these peddlers of Marxist/Socialist tyranny.

No wonder so many liberals visit political web forums repeating this same silly stuff.  But the liberals who listen to progressive radio and then post on open web forums are in for a surprise when they see these claims being rebutted and totally refuted.   How often have you witnessed a liberal spouting the current leftist talking points?  But when they are challenged what happens?  They fold, call names, or try to change the topic.  Progressive radio, and progressive web sites have given them the talking points, but their depth of knowledge is usually about as thin as a paper bumper sticker.

No wonder progressive talk radio is such a bore.  Most progressive talk radio hosts are too cowardly to debate anyone with opposing viewpoints.  And liberalism is very difficult to defend.  No wonder so few people listen to left-wing talk radio, and so many people listen to right-wing talk radio

The lack of opposition phone calls on left-wing talk radio speaks volumes.